Print PR Coverage - why I'll always be a fan

A lot of the work I do with my clients is very digital focused, but in every PR strategy I put together, there will always be an element of print.

“Who reads papers anymore? I can’t remember the last time I picked up a magazine! Isn’t print dead?”

In my opinion, no. There’s no doubt that print circulations have declined, but a lot of titles still have a very healthy reach and are brands within themselves. And that brand alignment is HUGE. “As featured in” gives credibility, kudos and so much more. Whether that’s to your customers, your peers or your investors.

Take this piece in the latest issue of Vogue that features my client @realplastics by @georgialday. This is an incredible brand-building piece in a fantastic publication and the alignment of both brands is like gold dust. And I’ve got to say, the thrill of seeing my clients in print never fails to make me smile.

Finally, a little prediction from me. I do genuinely think that print will see growth again. I don’t know about you, but there is something that feels quite indulgent about sitting down with a magazine or paper given how much time we now spend online.

Rebecca Lee