Why does a doctor or medical professional need public relations?

In the ever-evolving world of medicine, doctors face a considerable challenge. With a market brimming with competitors (plus a lot of cowboys) and a discerning clientele, it's no surprise that many talented practitioners encounter difficulties in establishing their medical practice's distinct identity.

blue rubber gloves on a medical professional

A specialised PR (like myself) uses skilled storytelling to enhance your presence and improve your recognition in the UK media landscape, tailoring the narrative to align with your practice's overall objectives. Over time, working with an experienced PR can generate valuable connections with influential figures within the media. There are several ways to do this, but some of the ways I do it includes:

  1. Securing media exposure by arranging quote opportunities/appearances in print and digital platforms where your medical expertise can bring insight, clarity, or authority to topics related to your specialty.

  2. Creating press releases tied to your private practice, subspecialty, or noteworthy events.

  3. Managing your reputation effectively.

This media coverage serves as a platform to educate the public, establish your credibility as a reliable expert and personal brand, circulate crucial health-related news, as well as initiating discussions on health topics of public interest. By executing a well thought out and intelligent PR campaign, you can establish name recognition within your target audience and solidify your status as a prominent medical authority.

Common misconceptions about hiring a PR for doctors includes the assumption that you must already be fairly well-known in your field, or be located in London. In reality, what holds the most importance is your personality, as well as your ability to connect and engage with both your audience and the media.

If you have both of these things, all you need is a skilled PR specialist who can open the right doors for you. Get in touch for more information: rebecca@rlcomms.com

Rebecca Lee